Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
Join the Team – Privacy Policy
The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County (DPBC) will make every effort to ensure that the data on your completed “Join the Team” form is used solely in support of its programs, projects, and events. Access to the data is available to DPBC officers and staff, as well as to Ward and Precinct Chairs, who are responsible for following best practices in safeguarding personal data.
Completion of the “Join the Team” form — as well as expressions of interest through other means such as filling out of paper forms at events — does not imply any advance commitment on your part to perform specific services or actions. The information you submit through these channels will be used solely to inform you of opportunities, as they become available, that align with your interests and experience. The decision to become engaged in these activities is yours alone.
DPBC will not sell, share, or otherwise make use of personal information beyond the activities listed above.