Event entry deadline for weekly Tuesday issue: Friday at 5:00 PM for the following Tuesday issue.

Please limit photos and graphics to jpg, jpeg, jfif, png, or gif files of less than 1MB.

Our acceptance of a candidate’s event does not constitute our endorsement of the candidate or event.

Event Title Maximum 60 characters.
Event Description
Event Location
Include link to Google map
Start Date
End Date
Start Time (hh:mm)  Optional, set blank if not required. Ignored for “Hide Events”.
End Time (hh:mm)  Optional, set blank if not required. Ignored for “Hide Events”.
Recurring Events Interval:    Repeat every    days
Repeats   times.

Entering 0 means forever. Where the recurrence interval is left at none, the event will not recur.

Image   Remove image selection
If this is a recurring event, describe when and how often it recurs
Event/meeting info—click this link
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Submitted By

These details will not show up on the event listing

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Email *