City Council Races Update

Here’s an update on Albuquerque City Council candidates, courtesy the City Clerk’s office: July 26 is the day that those seeking public financing can expect to hear whether they have qualified for it, based on the County Clerk’s determination.  

Candidates seeking public campaign financing were required to submit petition signatures and a $5 contribution from a specified number of potential voters by July 5, but the deadline for candidates who run with private financing is not until August 10.  

Qualified candidates for City Council Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 will be on the November 2, 2021 ballot. A map of the City Council Districts is available on the City’s website at  The positions are officially non-partisan. 

In District 1, the Democratic incumbent is Lan Sena, who may face challengers Louie Sanchez and Dan Serrano. Both Sena and Sanchez have submitted 100% of the required signatures on their petitions of support and 100% of the required $5 qualified contributions. Serrano, posted as privately financing his campaign, collected eight verified petition signatures and reported $50 in contributions as of July 11.  

In District 3, only the incumbent, Democrat Klarissa Pena submitted 100% of the required petition signatures and 100% of the 315 required contributions to qualify for public financing. Challenger Benjamin Telles submitted 15% of required petition signatures and 15% of the required $5 contributions. Challenger Anthony Zamora submitted 57% of the required petition signatures and 13% of the qualifying contributions.  Both Telles and Zamora also sought public financing.

In District 5, Democratic incumbent Cynthia Borrego is being challenged by Dan Lewis, a Republican who was defeated by current Albuquerque mayor Tim Keller, and Phillip Ramirez.  All submitted at least 100% of the 500 required petition signatures. Borrego and Lewis both submitted 100% of the required number of qualifying contributions and Ramirez is privately financed.

In District 7, Democratic incumbent Diane G. Gibson is not seeking re-election. Democrats Tammy Fiebelkorn and Travis Kellerman have submitted all of the 500 required signatures and 100% of the required qualifying contributions. All of the other candidates submitted 100% of the required petition signatures, except for Lori Robertson, who submitted 18% of them. Other candidates, listed as Emile DeAngelis, Lori Robertson, Mauro Walden-Montoya and Andres Patrick Valdez, Sr., were listed as privately financing their campaigns.

In District 9,  incumbent Don Harris announced that he would not seek re-election. Candidates who sought public financing were Rob Grilley and Renee Grout, who submitted 100% of the required petition signatures and 100% of required qualifying contributions. Andrew Lipman and Byron K. Powdrell were listed as privately financing their campaigns.