Everyone reading this newsletter has an opportunity to preserve democracy this fall. The Bernalillo County Democratic Party has only about a zillion ways to channel your caring heart and good energy toward that end.
Contact volunteers@bernalillodems.org to join with others who are determined to preserve choice, voting, the environment, opportunity and inclusion.
Here are a few ways to help keep our country alive by donating some of your time, expertise or money: become a voter registrar, help park cars at the September 18 SeptemberFest, do educational outreach at SeptemberFest, post fliers in South Valley businesses, tweet and retweet our stories, support your ward and precinct, host a fundraising party for your favorite Democratic candidate, canvass in your neighborhood and learn what your neighbors have on their minds, help with our tech teams for producing county party information across platforms, help pass out brochures at community events, help clean portapotties at our September 18 event, pass out palettes at the SeptemberFest, help keep our website current. You’ll have a good time. And–let’s face it– there couldn’t be a better time to pitch in.