Run for DNC

The Democratic National Convention is just a few short months away.
It will be held in Chicago, IL from August 19th – 22nd, and it’s our chance to send delegates that embody New Mexico’s beautiful diversity to represent us there.New Mexico gets to send 45 delegate representatives, and you can be one of them!

You can view all of the details about what to expect, who can be a delegate, as well as the official press release from the Democratic Party of New Mexico, on their website.

Here is a very helpful slideshow on the process and the timeline!
So, what do you say? Do you want to run to be a DNC Delegate? 

On April 26, the Democratic Party of New Mexico released the official Call for the 2024 Post-Primary Conventions, beginning the process of electing New Mexicans to represent our state at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago from August 19th to the 22nd.

Not only will delegates to the National Convention vote for the party’s presidential and vice-presidential nominees, but they will also contribute to decisions on the party’s platform, resolutions, and governing rules, in a unique opportunity to actively influence the party’s agenda. DNC Delegates from New Mexico pledge support to a presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention based on primary election results.

Facts About New Mexico’s Delegation to the National Convention:

  • New Mexico has a total of 45 delegates and 3 alternate delegates
  • There are five different delegate types:
    • Congressional District-Level Delegates [23 total]
    • Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates [4 total]
    • At-Large Delegates [7 total]
    • Automatic Delegates [11 total]
    • Alternate Delegates [3 total]

Additionally, New Mexico will elect one member during the statewide post-primary convention to serve on each of the DNC’s three standing committees: Credentials, Platform, and Rules Democratic National Convention Committees.

To run for a National Delegate Position, one must be:
  • 18 years old on or before November 5, 2024
  • A resident of New Mexico
  • A U.S. citizen
  • A registered Democrat in the congressional district in which you are running.

There are three steps to being elected as a delegate to the National Convention:

  1. County Conventions: The process starts at the county conventions, which will occur on June 8th, the Saturday after the primary election. Individuals elected at the county conventions serve as the electors at the congressional district and Statewide conventions.

  2. Congressional District Conventions: These three conventions will be held virtually on June 15th. Delegates elected at the county level will run at the district conventions to represent New Mexico and vote at the National Convention. 

  3. Statewide Convention: The Statewide Convention will be on June 22nd. At the Statewide Convention, delegates elected at the county conventions will gather to vote for New Mexico’s 11 Automatic Delegates, 4 PLEO Delegates, 3 Alternate Delegates, and committee members for the three DNC standing committees. New Mexico has one member on each of the three standing committees: Credentials, Platform, and Rules.

Congressional District Delegate Totals:

  • CD-01: 10 delegates
  • CD-02: 6 delegates
  • CD-03: 7 delegates

Statewide Convention Delegate and Position Totals

  • 7 At-Large delegates
  • 3 At-Large alternates
  • 4 PLEOS (Pledged Party Leaders and Elected Officials
  • DNC Committee Members Elected at Statewide Convention
    • 1 member on the DNC Credentials Committee
    • 1 member on the DNC Platform Committee
    • 1 member on the DNC Rules Committee

“The Democratic Party of New Mexico is thrilled to build a delegation to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago that embodies New Mexico’s diverse communities and values,” said Democratic Party of New Mexico Spokesperson Daniel Garcia. “DPNM is planning a robust outreach effort across the state to build enthusiasm for our local and statewide conventions and the grassroots efforts that will propel the Biden-Harris ticket to victory in New Mexico.”

Additional Info and Important Links

County Conventions Information
Click here for information on your county convention. DPNM will update this information as it comes to us.

Congressional District Conventions Information
Click here for information on Congressional District Conventions.

Congressional District Convention Information Sessions

Congressional District 1
When: June 15, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Zoom: Registration Link

Congressional District 2
When: June 15, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
Zoom: Registration Link

Who are my electors?
Individuals elected at the county conventions become the electors at the congressional district conventions who vote on national delegates, so make sure to recruit people to run at your county convention if you want to go to the National Convention!

What Else Should I Know?

  • To run for delegate to the National Convention, you must fill out this form (click here). District-Level Delegate candidates must fill this out by May 17th. PLEO, At-Large, and Alternate Delegate candidates must fill the form out by May 22nd.

  • DNC Delegates from New Mexico will pledge support to a presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention based on primary election results.

  • Presidential candidates have the right to review and not accept any of the elected national delegates.

  • It’s important to know who your electors are! Delegates who are elected at the county convention go on to vote at the District-Level Conventions for District Delegates AND county convention delegates also elect At-Large, PLEOs, Alternates, and Committee Members at the Statewide Convention. If you want to win, organize at the county level.

  • Delegates are expected to pay their way to the convention and all associated expenses at the convention.

  • Electors to the congressional district conventions and the Statewide Convention are the individuals elected at the county conventions. 

Click here for more information on how to become a DNC delegate.

If you have any questions about the convention process, please contact DPNM Executive Director Sean Ward at

May 7, 2024Dear DPBC County Central Committee,As of May 4, 2024, the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County has a vacancy in the office of First Vice Chair.

According to Article 4.6.2 of the DPNM State Party Rules 2023-02-03-1-1 following a vacancy, an election to fill the position shall be called within 60 (sixty) days to fill the vacancy.

To note:

“In the case of a vacancy in the position of Chair or First Vice Chair: If the newly elected First Vice Chair is of the same gender as the incumbent Chair, the gender balance requirements of Article III. Rule 4.1 will be waived to allow both the newly elected officer and the incumbent officer to serve the remainder of the term.”

The gender requirement waiver allows candidates of any gender identity to Declare Candidacy to fill the First Vice Chair vacancy. Please see the election timeline as follows:

May 7 – Declaration of Candidacy Form opens – click HERE to access
May 17 – Declaration of Candidacy Form closes
May 22 – Ballots will be mailed to County Central Committee
May 30 – Ballots will be closed 5pm
June 1 – Public ballot counting via Zoom – link HERE to join
June 4 – Results of election will be mailed and announced in the Blue Review as well as on website.

If you have any questions regarding this election, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
With gratitude,
Marisol Enriquez
Chair, DPBC | | 505-270-5000 voice/text