Message from Kenneth E Scott, Westside Dems Chair: Stay Home and Wear a Mask!

I wish I was writing you with better news.  As everyone knows, we are in the midst of a tremendous surge of COVID-19 cases in the state and around the world. But what most of you might not know is this: It is particularly bad on the Westside of Albuquerque.

If you look at the case count by zip code, you will learn that we have four of the top 25 right here on the Westside. The top zip code for cases is also here: 87121. We honestly cannot get any worse when it comes to responding to this pandemic. But we can start to turn it around.

I know this is a hard ask. But please consider being more careful this holiday season. I urge you to reconsider traveling for Thanksgiving. I also ask that you only spend the holidays with those in your immediate household. I know that is easier said than done, but we really are at a precipice. We must do whatever we can to stop the spread.

You might not realize this, but I truly love each and everyone one of you. The Westside community has become an indelible part of me and who I am as a person. You always want to protect those that you love, and it is in that spirit that I make that ask.  I want to see all of you on the other side of this pandemic… and we are close.

Rachel Maddow had a heartbreaking open before her show Thursday night (November 19). I ask all of you to watch it here if you can. We can get through this, but we need to take precautions to keep our loved ones safe.

Then we can get back to doing the good work, in person, next year. I hope to see you all there.
