Our Time Has Come

Let’s fight. The MAGA movement wants to push things back to the states. Well, for New Mexico, they don’t realize what they are doing. (367 words, 2 minutes)

by Marisol Enriquez, Chair, DPBC

Bernalillo County Democrats,

Over the past several weeks, I’ve shared some of the strategies people around the world have relied on for ensuring their own wellbeing under authoritarian regimes. As each day of the Donald Trump presidency looms over us, it feels more and more as though we are joining them.

As I’ve said before, this kind of a regime wants us to feel burnt out, despondent, and unable to fight. But your emails to me, your texts, phone calls, messages on social media, and collective sharing in community gatherings tell me that you are far from unable to fight.

I think we all needed a bit of time to process, to nurture, to reconnect. Now, because we’ve invested in our wellbeing, we’re fueled for the fight ahead. This is not a sprint–it’s a marathon. Wellness and self-preservation need to be an ongoing practice for us to win.

Here is the link to last week’s Blue Review. Write the strategies on your bathroom mirror, or print them to put on your desk or refrigerator. It is imperative that you continue in a grounded, balanced way.

All that said, here’s the next call to action: Let’s fight.

The MAGA movement wants to push things back to the states. Well, for New Mexico, they don’t realize what they are doing. We are ready, we are prepared, we will not stand for a takeover. The people of this land have been fighting for generations, and we will continue fighting.

Get involved NOW. This is just the beginning of their efforts, and they will not stop. But neither will we.

Coming in February:

  • Our monthly community volunteer opportunity. Details to come.
  • Dem Hangouts are back: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6pm & 4th Saturday of each month at 3pm. Rotating locations around the county.
    • Feb 12 – Flock of Moons Brewing – 111 Harvard Dr SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
    • Feb 22 – Ex Novo Brewing – 701 Central Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
  • Ward Meetings for March elections – see our events calendar for details

I want to see you at all of these things. Stay tuned, and share this newsletter with your friends and family.

Marisol Enriquez
Chair, DPBC